SimulationCraft Results
The War Within(Patch 11.1)
Sim summary
Hero Talent
676 iLvl
Raid Boss (Max)
Sim Profile
Sim Build
59466 (
Sim Details
Peak DPS
6.78M DPS
At 15 seconds
Lowest DPS
911.96K DPS
At 1 seconds
Average DPS
2.60M DPS
Fight duration
Elemental Blast56,699,966.83 Damage (22.28%)
Crit (Max): 7,415,585.03Crit (Avg): 4,656,007.79Hit (Max): 3,920,281.53Hit (Avg): 2,254,103.99Tempest52,315,514.67 Damage (20.56%)
Crit (Max): 7,329,852.77Crit (Avg): 4,718,539Hit (Max): 3,508,220.43Hit (Avg): 2,296,095.62Crash Lightning41,235,640.22 Damage (16.2%)
Crit (Max): 4,228,686.23Crit (Avg): 1,957,017.32Hit (Max): 2,055,474.66Hit (Avg): 930,178.12Lightning Bolt24,855,599.61 Damage (9.77%)
Crit (Max): 4,127,300.49Crit (Avg): 2,625,416.09Hit (Max): 2,258,037.41Hit (Avg): 1,280,789.46Awakening Storms17,723,915.62 Damage (6.96%)
Crit (Max): 1,266,015.41Crit (Avg): 837,821.5Hit (Max): 652,237.92Hit (Avg): 417,252.48Lightning Rod16,494,179.03 Damage (6.48%)
Hit (Max): 634,178.62Hit (Avg): 150,656.16Voltaic Blaze15,334,095.3 Damage (6.03%)
Crit (Max): 3,369,405.57Crit (Avg): 2,199,674.48Hit (Max): 1,775,441.47Hit (Avg): 1,093,205.27Main Hand8,075,103.68 Damage (3.17%)
Crit (Max): 81,383.69Crit (Avg): 69,597.27Hit (Max): 40,570.13Hit (Avg): 34,714.84Flame Shock6,670,962.78 Damage (2.62%)
Crit (Max): 177,009.28Crit (Avg): 118,335.53Hit (Max): 93,294.8Hit (Avg): 57,404.71Offhand4,020,181.72 Damage (1.58%)
Crit (Max): 40,691.84Crit (Avg): 34,804.35Hit (Max): 20,285.07Hit (Avg): 17,359.18Ice Strike3,949,083.77 Damage (1.55%)
Crit (Max): 2,011,218.6Crit (Avg): 1,664,952.73Hit (Max): 1,005,395.99Hit (Avg): 829,957.97Vile Contamination2,588,508.95 Damage (1.02%)
Windlash2,170,995.12 Damage (0.85%)
Crit (Max): 116,262.29Crit (Avg): 105,778.17Hit (Max): 57,957.28Hit (Avg): 52,749.28Windlash Offhand1,093,585.16 Damage (0.43%)
Crit (Max): 58,131.15Crit (Avg): 52,888.78Hit (Max): 28,978.64Hit (Avg): 26,375.86Frost Shock727,702.87 Damage (0.29%)
Crit (Max): 2,308,769.8Crit (Avg): 1,863,120.46Hit (Max): 1,156,764.1Hit (Avg): 932,749.98Wrath Of Kezan517,074.9 Damage (0.2%)
Crit (Max): 287,725.94Crit (Avg): 266,141.15Hit (Max): 143,432.67Hit (Avg): 132,915.32
Main Hand233.03 seconds (29.68%)
Casted 156.41 times.Offhand232.49 seconds (29.61%)
Casted 155.63 times.Stormstrike96.49 seconds (12.29%)
Casted 95.38 times.Windlash Offhand39.79 seconds (5.07%)
Casted 32.36 times.Windlash39.52 seconds (5.03%)
Casted 32.12 times.Windstrike34.5 seconds (4.39%)
Casted 38.41 times.Crash Lightning33.71 seconds (4.29%)
Casted 33.47 times.Elemental Blast19.49 seconds (2.48%)
Casted 19.22 times.Tempest17.69 seconds (2.25%)
Casted 17.37 times.Lightning Bolt15.11 seconds (1.92%)
Casted 14.88 times.Voltaic Blaze11.61 seconds (1.48%)
Casted 11.6 times.Doom Winds4.5 seconds (0.57%)
Casted 4.47 times.Ice Strike4.03 seconds (0.51%)
Casted 3.97 times.Ascendance2.36 seconds (0.3%)
Casted 2.46 times.Frost Shock0.67 seconds (0.09%)
Casted 0.65 times.Earth Elemental0.13 seconds (0.02%)
Casted 0.13 times.Flame Shock0.08 seconds (0.01%)
Casted 11.68 times.Blood Fury0 seconds (0%)
Casted 2.47 times.Feral Spirit0 seconds (0%)
Casted 23.86 times.Lightning Rod0 seconds (0%)
Casted 109.48 times.Wrath Of Kezan0 seconds (0%)
Casted 3.24 times.Awakening Storms0 seconds (0%)
Casted 32.63 times.Vile Contamination0 seconds (0%)
Casted 22.34 times.
Maybe Stop Blowing Up (99.27%)
Casted on average 4.48 timesActive for 99.27% of the fightHailstorm (98.12%)
Casted on average 1.64 timesActive for 98.12% of the fightLegacy Of The Frost Witch (97.55%)
Casted on average 2.16 timesActive for 97.55% of the fightEye Of Kezan (95.53%)
Casted an average of 1 timeActive for 95.53% of the fightFlurry (94.59%)
Casted on average 22.89 timesActive for 94.59% of the fightMaelstrom Weapon (94.29%)
Casted on average 53.69 timesActive for 94.29% of the fightForceful Winds (93.35%)
Casted on average 15.4 timesActive for 93.35% of the fightFeral Spirit (93.3%)
Casted on average 5.34 timesActive for 93.3% of the fightWinning Streak (91.59%)
Casted on average 7.33 timesActive for 91.59% of the fightI Did That (91.4%)
Casted on average 2.64 timesActive for 91.4% of the fightCrackling Surge (87.46%)
Casted on average 23.86 timesActive for 87.46% of the fightUnlimited Power (86.12%)
Casted on average 14.22 timesActive for 86.12% of the fightEarthen Weapon (75.01%)
Casted on average 35.01 timesActive for 75.01% of the fightAwakening Storms (73.9%)
Casted on average 8.53 timesActive for 73.9% of the fightExplosive Adrenaline (53.24%)
Casted on average 4.48 timesActive for 53.24% of the fightTempest (51.35%)
Casted on average 20.28 timesActive for 51.35% of the fightStormsurge (49.85%)
Casted on average 85.58 timesActive for 49.85% of the fightStormblast (47.09%)
Casted on average 70.68 timesActive for 47.09% of the fightElectrostatic Wager (46.69%)
Casted on average 11.89 timesActive for 46.69% of the fightArc Discharge (44.72%)
Casted on average 14.52 timesActive for 44.72% of the fightElemental Blast Haste (26.16%)
Casted on average 6.41 timesActive for 26.16% of the fightElemental Blast Critical Strike (26.16%)
Casted on average 6.41 timesActive for 26.16% of the fightElemental Blast Mastery (26.11%)
Casted on average 6.4 timesActive for 26.11% of the fightStorms Fury (26.01%)
Casted on average 4.56 timesActive for 26.01% of the fightArtisanal Flourish (26%)
Casted on average 4.56 timesActive for 26% of the fightDoom Winds (25.35%)
Casted on average 9.04 timesActive for 25.35% of the fightFlask Of Alchemical Chaos Haste (25.11%)
Casted on average 1.76 timesActive for 25.11% of the fightFlask Of Alchemical Chaos Crit (25%)
Casted on average 1.75 timesActive for 25% of the fightFlask Of Alchemical Chaos Vers (24.98%)
Casted on average 1.75 timesActive for 24.98% of the fightFlask Of Alchemical Chaos Mastery (24.91%)
Casted on average 1.74 timesActive for 24.91% of the fightAscension Crit (24.2%)
Casted on average 5.6 timesActive for 24.2% of the fightAscension Mastery (24.18%)
Casted on average 5.59 timesActive for 24.18% of the fightAscendance Haste (24.13%)
Casted on average 5.58 timesActive for 24.13% of the fightAscendance Vers (24.11%)
Casted on average 5.6 timesActive for 24.11% of the fightVoltaic Blaze (23.89%)
Casted on average 11.86 timesActive for 23.89% of the fightIce Strike (17.32%)
Casted on average 3.77 timesActive for 17.32% of the fightBloodlust (16.89%)
Casted an average of 1 timeActive for 16.89% of the fightBlood Fury (14.86%)
Casted on average 2.47 timesActive for 14.86% of the fightAscendance (14.79%)
Casted on average 2.46 timesActive for 14.79% of the fightStatic Accumulation (14.79%)
Casted on average 2.46 timesActive for 14.79% of the fightTempered Potion (12.66%)
Casted an average of 1 timeActive for 12.66% of the fightEarth Elemental (2.87%)
Casted an average of 0.13 timeActive for 2.87% of the fight
BiS Profile
- Head Gale Sovereigns Charged Hood
- Neck Strapped Rescuekeg
- Shoulders Gale Sovereigns Zephyrs
- Back Consecrated Cloak
- Chest Gale Sovereigns Clouded Hauberk
- Wrists Made Manacles
- Hands Gale Sovereigns Grasps
- Waist Gale Sovereigns Ritual Belt
- Legs Chemical Blasters Legguards
- Feet Treads Of The Galvanic Skysoarer
- Finger 1 The Jastor Diamond
- Finger 2 Miniature Roulette Wheel
- Trinket 1 Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker
- Trinket 2 Eye Of Kezan
- Main Hand Gallywixs Iron Thumb
- Off Hand Everforged Mace