SimulationCraft Results
The War Within(Patch 11.1)
Sim summary
Hero Talent
676 iLvl
Raid Boss (Max)
Sim Profile
Sim Build
59570 (
Sim Details
Peak DPS
4.17M DPS
At 24 seconds
Lowest DPS
1.97M DPS
At 40 seconds
Average DPS
2.56M DPS
Fight duration
Between The Eyes239,947,015.86 Damage (41.97%)
Crit (Max): 5,047,330.06Crit (Avg): 1,874,061.38Hit (Max): 1,137,633.53Hit (Avg): 457,465.47Ghostly Strike68,817,337.62 Damage (12.04%)
Crit (Max): 1,109,246.18Crit (Avg): 686,195.79Hit (Max): 512,751.6Hit (Avg): 317,743.36Dispatch65,037,298.15 Damage (11.38%)
Crit (Max): 2,358,670.49Crit (Avg): 1,107,917.32Hit (Max): 1,134,116.73Hit (Avg): 541,461.78Main Gauche47,433,349.59 Damage (8.3%)
Crit (Max): 412,113.76Crit (Avg): 205,364.26Hit (Max): 206,096.2Hit (Avg): 99,337.59Sinister Strike32,467,078.68 Damage (5.68%)
Crit (Max): 522,754.52Crit (Avg): 315,344.31Hit (Max): 246,817.52Hit (Avg): 145,925.86Pistol Shot28,133,086.49 Damage (4.92%)
Crit (Max): 793,579.14Crit (Avg): 476,806.08Hit (Max): 351,943.49Hit (Avg): 220,618.1Fate Intertwined21,741,103.33 Damage (3.8%)
Hit (Max): 837,149Hit (Avg): 279,691.35Suffocating Darkness19,987,345.64 Damage (3.5%)
Phantom Reaping13,071,638.41 Damage (2.29%)
Crit (Max): 999,444.32Crit (Avg): 963,484.71Hit (Max): 487,001.67Hit (Avg): 468,927.56Instant Poison12,309,554.12 Damage (2.15%)
Crit (Max): 47,185.88Crit (Avg): 28,674.68Hit (Max): 22,992.38Hit (Avg): 13,971.71Venom Shock7,328,138.13 Damage (1.28%)
Ethereal Rampage6,843,824.84 Damage (1.2%)
Hit (Max): 130,552Hit (Avg): 65,720.99Queensbane5,007,544.17 Damage (0.88%)
Spidersting3,577,233.69 Damage (0.63%)
Between The Eyes77.04 seconds (32.23%)
Casted 95.6 times.Sinister Strike71.34 seconds (29.84%)
Casted 88.07 times.Dispatch42.1 seconds (17.61%)
Casted 51.6 times.Pistol Shot40.75 seconds (17.05%)
Casted 50.34 times.Roll The Bones7.81 seconds (3.27%)
Casted 10.66 times.Vanish0 seconds (0%)
Casted 14.83 times.Queensbane0 seconds (0%)
Casted 12.13 times.Auto Attack0 seconds (0%)
Casted 15.83 times.Recuperator0 seconds (0%)
Casted 79.41 times.Spiderfling0 seconds (0%)
Casted 8.16 times.Spidersting0 seconds (0%)
Casted 8.15 times.Venom Shock0 seconds (0%)
Casted 6.31 times.Ghostly Strike0 seconds (0%)
Casted 17.52 times.Adrenaline Rush0 seconds (0%)
Casted 9.14 times.Keep It Rolling0 seconds (0%)
Casted 4.68 times.Phantom Reaping0 seconds (0%)
Casted 18.28 times.Ethereal Rampage0 seconds (0%)
Casted 104.13 times.Fate Intertwined0 seconds (0%)
Casted 77.73 times.Suffocating Darkness0 seconds (0%)
Casted 18.36 times.
Between The Eyes (99.99%)
Casted on average 1.01 timesActive for 99.99% of the fightAlacrity (99.97%)
Casted on average 1.01 timesActive for 99.97% of the fightAcrobatic Strikes (99.96%)
Casted an average of 1 timeActive for 99.96% of the fightSlice And Dice (99.87%)
Casted an average of 1 timeActive for 99.87% of the fightRoll The Bones (99.55%)
Casted on average 3.48 timesActive for 99.55% of the fightAdrenaline Rush (96.46%)
Casted on average 9.14 timesActive for 96.46% of the fightSummarily Dispatched (92.31%)
Casted on average 15.23 timesActive for 92.31% of the fightEgg Sac (90.73%)
Casted on average 11.1 timesActive for 90.73% of the fightRuthless Precision (79.13%)
Casted on average 11.51 timesActive for 79.13% of the fightVenomous Potential (78.84%)
Casted on average 7.11 timesActive for 78.84% of the fightBroadside (78.43%)
Casted on average 11.29 timesActive for 78.43% of the fightTrue Bearing (77.65%)
Casted on average 11.4 timesActive for 77.65% of the fightGrand Melee (76.93%)
Casted on average 11.43 timesActive for 76.93% of the fightSkull And Crossbones (76.9%)
Casted on average 11.33 timesActive for 76.9% of the fightBuried Treasure (76.74%)
Casted on average 11.38 timesActive for 76.74% of the fightFatebound Lucky Coin (75.6%)
Casted an average of 0.99 timeActive for 75.6% of the fightOpportunity (65.45%)
Casted on average 32.45 timesActive for 65.45% of the fightFatebound Coin Heads (50.11%)
Casted on average 34.34 timesActive for 50.11% of the fightFatebound Coin Tails (50.09%)
Casted on average 34.35 timesActive for 50.09% of the fightEthereal Rampage (48.81%)
Casted on average 47.6 timesActive for 48.81% of the fightLoaded Dice (43.75%)
Casted on average 8.79 timesActive for 43.75% of the fightSubterfuge (39.19%)
Casted on average 15.83 timesActive for 39.19% of the fightBloodlust (16.89%)
Casted an average of 1 timeActive for 16.89% of the fightEchoing Reprimand (15.02%)
Casted on average 14.28 timesActive for 15.02% of the fightTempered Potion (12.67%)
Casted an average of 1 timeActive for 12.67% of the fightSupercharge 1 (12.07%)
Casted on average 10.66 timesActive for 12.07% of the fightSupercharge 2 (5.71%)
Casted on average 10.66 timesActive for 5.71% of the fightSpiderling (0.85%)
Casted on average 8.17 timesActive for 0.85% of the fightVanish (0.01%)
Casted on average 14.83 timesActive for 0.01% of the fightStealth (0%)
Casted an average of 1 timeActive for 0% of the fightDouble Jeopardy (0%)
Casted on average 15.83 timesActive for 0% of the fight
BiS Profile
- Head Kareshi Phantoms Emptiness
- Neck Amulet Of Earthen Craftsmanship
- Shoulders Kareshi Phantoms Shoulderpads
- Back Wings Of Shattered Sorrow
- Chest Kareshi Phantoms Nexus Wraps
- Wrists Runebranded Armbands
- Hands Kareshi Phantoms Grips
- Waist Kareshi Phantoms Belt
- Legs Runebranded Legwraps
- Feet Viscerastitched Footpads
- Finger 1 Stitchfleshs Misplaced Signet
- Finger 2 Seal Of The Poisoned Pact
- Trinket 1 Arakara Sacbrood
- Trinket 2 Void Reapers Contract
- Main Hand Void Reapers Warp Blade
- Off Hand Bloodkissed Kukri