DPS Rotation & Cooldowns
This rotation guide provides a quick, basic understanding of which abilities to prioritize when playing a Augmentation Evoker, along with additional details on important cooldowns at the bottom. Updated for the latest patch in World of Warcraft: The War Within (11.1).
Single Target
Ensure Ebon Might is active before engaging the target.
- Use on targets to prepare for Ebon Might.
- Cast if duration < 5.5s.
- Cast at highest rank allowing Upheaval before DoT expires.
- Cast when ready.
- Cast if Ebon Might is active.
- Cast if Ebon Might is active or at max essence.
- Use as filler.
- Use to move while casting, fallback to Azure Strike if no charges left.
Focus on maintaining Ebon Might and Prescience, using Fire Breath and Upheaval effectively. Utilize cooldowns and trinkets to maximize DPS.
Maintain Ebon Might and Prescience for optimal performance.
- Use on targets to prepare for Ebon Might.
- Cast if duration < 5.5s.
- Cast at highest rank allowing Upheaval before DoT expires.
- Cast when ready.
- Cast if Ebon Might is active.
- Cast if Ebon Might is active, at max essence, or if you have max Essence Burst.
- Use as filler.
- Use to move while casting, fallback to Azure Strike if no charges left.
For AoE, maintain Ebon Might and Prescience, using Fire Breath and Upheaval effectively. Utilize cooldowns and trinkets to maximize DPS.
Use cooldowns strategically to enhance damage output.
- Use every 2 minutes, ensure Ebon Might is active.
- Use at the shortest distance for optimal damage.
- Do not use Fire Breath or Upheaval without Ebon Might.
- Use before movement is required to avoid missing globals.
Prioritize using cooldowns effectively, ensuring Ebon Might is active before major damage spells.