Healer Rotation & Cooldowns
This rotation guide provides a quick, basic understanding of which abilities to prioritize when playing a Discipline Priest, along with additional details on important cooldowns at the bottom. Updated for the latest patch in World of Warcraft: The War Within (11.1).
Single Target
Ensure Shadow Word Pain is active before the encounter begins.
- Use to apply Atonement to a target.
- Cast multiple times to maintain Atonement.
- Use when a target is low on health.
- Apply Atonement to multiple targets.
- Use for damage and Atonement generation.
- Use for damage and healing.
- Continue casting for damage and Atonement healing.
- Use when target is below 20% health.
Start with Power Word Shield to apply Atonement, followed by Renew to maintain it. Use Flash Heal for emergencies, then Power Word Radiance for group Atonement. Follow up with Mind Blast, Penance, and Smite for damage, finishing with Shadow Word Death on low health targets.
Ensure Shadow Word Pain is active on multiple targets.
- Use to apply Atonement to multiple targets.
- Cast for AoE damage and healing.
- Use for damage and Atonement generation.
- Use for damage and healing.
- Continue casting for damage and Atonement healing.
- Use for AoE damage when available.
For AoE, start with Power Word Radiance to apply Atonement, followed by Voidwraith for damage. Use Mind Blast and Penance for further damage, and finish with Smite and Void Blast as they become available.
- Use to extend Atonement duration.
- Use for burst healing and damage.
- Use for group damage reduction.
- Use on a target taking heavy damage.
In cooldown usage, prioritize Evangelism to extend Atonement, followed by Ultimate Penitence for burst healing. Use Power Word Barrier for group damage reduction and Pain Suppression on high-damage targets.