DPS Rotation & Cooldowns
This rotation guide provides a quick, basic understanding of which abilities to prioritize when playing a Fire Mage, along with additional details on important cooldowns at the bottom. Updated for the latest patch in World of Warcraft: The War Within (11.1).
Single Target
Ensure Combustion is ready before starting the rotation.
- Use when available.
- Cast while Hyperthermia is active. Maintain Feel The Burn.
- Use if Combustion is not ready within 45 seconds.
- Use when Combustion is on cooldown and you have no charges of Fire Blast.
- Cast when you have a Hot Streak proc.
- Use as a filler to generate Heating Up. Replace with Scorch when target is <30% health.
- Use to convert Heating Up into Hot Streak.
Start with Combustion and follow up with Pyroblast during Hyperthermia. Use Shifting Power wisely and maintain Feel The Burn. Transition to Fireball and Fire Blast for resource management.
For AoE, use the single-target rotation as a base.
- Use on low health enemies.
- Continue single-target rotation for cleave damage.
- Use if Combustion is not ready within 45 seconds.
- Use when Combustion is on cooldown and you have no charges of Fire Blast.
In AoE situations, prioritize Flamestrike for finishing off low health targets while maintaining the single-target rotation for cleave damage.
Use cooldowns strategically to maximize damage output.
- Use on cooldown for guaranteed crits.
- Use if Combustion is not ready within 45 seconds.
- Use to generate Heating Up or convert it into Hot Streak.
- Use to convert Heating Up into Hot Streak.
Prioritize Combustion for burst damage, followed by Meteor and Phoenix Flames to maintain high DPS.