BiS Gear
The following BiS gear (best-in-slot) represents the theoretical best gear available for Frost Death Knights. It's designed to maximize PvE DPS performance and is curated by theorycrafters in the SimulationCraft community. Use this list to identify the loot you should prioritize as you progress through the game.
- Head Fullthrottle Facerig
- Neck Strapped Rescuekeg
- Shoulders Cauldron Champions Screamplate
- Back Undercircuit Racing Flag
- Chest Cauldron Champions Ribcage
- Wrists Everforged Vambraces
- Hands Cauldron Champions Fistguards
- Waist Automatic Waist Tightener
- Legs Cauldron Champions Tattered Cuisses
- Feet Hopsladen Greatboots
- Finger 1 Bloodoath Signet
- Finger 2 The Jastor Diamond
- Trinket 1 Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker
- Trinket 2 House Of Cards
- Main Hand Remixed Ignition Saber
- Off Hand Charged Slicer