DPS Rotation & Cooldowns
This rotation guide provides a quick, basic understanding of which abilities to prioritize when playing a Survival Hunter, along with additional details on important cooldowns at the bottom. Updated for the latest patch in World of Warcraft: The War Within (11.1).
Single Target
Ensure Hunters Mark is active on the target.
- Use if Lunar Storm can be triggered.
- Use to build Tip Of The Spear stacks.
- Use on cooldown.
- Use on cooldown.
- Use to apply Serpent Sting DoT.
- Use if Mongoose Fury is about to expire.
- Use on cooldown.
- Use on cooldown with potions.
- Use with 1-2 Tip Of The Spear stacks.
- Use on cooldown with Tip Of The Spear.
- Use whenever possible.
- Use as a filler if nothing else is available.
Start with Wildfire Bomb, then prioritize Kill Command for Tip Of The Spear stacks. Use Butchery and Explosive Shot on cooldown, followed by Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite. Maintain Spearhead and Coordinated Assault usage.
Ensure Hunters Mark is active on the target.
- Use if Lunar Storm can be triggered.
- Use on cooldown.
- Use on cooldown.
- Use to generate Tip Of The Spear stacks.
- Use on cooldown.
- Use on cooldown with potions.
- Use with 1-2 Tip Of The Spear stacks.
- Use on cooldown with Tip Of The Spear.
- Use whenever possible.
- Use as a filler if nothing else is available.
For AoE, start with Wildfire Bomb, then use Butchery and Explosive Shot on cooldown. Follow with Kill Command for Tip Of The Spear stacks, and maintain Spearhead and Coordinated Assault usage.
- Use on cooldown with potions.
- Use on cooldown.
- Use whenever possible.
- Use on cooldown.
In cooldown usage, prioritize Coordinated Assault for burst phases, followed by Fury Of The Eagle and Butchery on cooldown.