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Unholy Death Knight

PvE Guide Patch 11.1
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DPS Rotation & Cooldowns

This rotation guide provides a quick, basic understanding of which abilities to prioritize when playing a Unholy Death Knight, along with additional details on important cooldowns at the bottom. Updated for the latest patch in World of Warcraft: The War Within (11.1).

Single Target

Ensure Army Of The Dead is active before the encounter begins.

Start with Army Of The Dead, then Raise Abomination. Follow with Dark Transformation and Festering Strike to apply wounds. Use Death And Decay for AoE, then Summon Gargoyle with cooldowns. Finish with Death Coil and Unholy Assault before using Apocalypse.


Use Death And Decay to initiate AoE damage.

For AoE, start with Raise Abomination and Defile. Use Scourge Strike to apply wounds, followed by Dark Transformation and Outbreak. Utilize Abomination Limb and Unholy Assault for damage, then spread wounds with Vile Contagion and spend Runic Power with Epidemic.


Use cooldowns strategically for maximum impact.

Prioritize cooldowns like Abomination Limb and Unholy Assault for damage. Use Vile Contagion in AoE, and ensure Army Of The Dead and Apocalypse are used effectively.